Print a Notice
This topic explains how to print a notice scheduled for one or more voters in the Notices Queue. If your objective is creating an export file of notices that can be sent to an outside printing house, refer instead to Notices for a Commercial Printer or Export a File of Voter Cards to a Commercial Printer.

Go to PRINTING > Notices Queue.
Optionally, change the name in the Operator field if you want to display notices for a different operator or select the Show All Operator's Notices to display all notices currently scheduled for printing. (If these options do not appear, you do not have the necessary permissions.)
In the list of notices, select the row for the notice you want to print and click Select Notice (or double-click the row).
To print only the notices scheduled for one or more precincts, highlight the precinct IDs in the Precincts not Selected pane and use the right-arrow to move them to the Precincts Selected pane.
To print the notices for all precincts, click the double-right arrow to move all precincts to the Precincts Selected pane or just leave the Precincts Selected pane empty.
Click OK.
For most notice types, the Print Notice Run Parameters dialog displays:
To limit the number of notices printed in this run, enter a number in Maximum Notices to Print.
Select the Select Notices by Date Range check box if you want to limit the notices to those that were scheduled during a particular time period.
The selection in Sort Option defaults to Zip Code or to the last selection you made.
If you are printing voter information cards:
- You are asked to enter the last registration date of cards to be printed. We suggest you accept the default of today’s date unless you are printing cards after book closing and don't want to send cards to new voters who were registered after book closing. If this is the case, enter the book closing date.
- You are then asked to select the reason for which the voter cards should be printed. The text in the Voter Card Message fields print on all cards.
- Click OK.
- If you are sorting the run by zip code (step 5), you will see a list of the zip codes found and the count of notices for each zip code. You might find it useful to print this list (click Print Image of this Dialog).
With a zip code sort, you have the option of printing the entire list or selecting one zip code and limiting the run to just the records for that zip code. To select one zip code, highlight it and click OK. Repeat the procedure described in this topic to print the notices for the other zip codes.
To print notices for the entire list, make sure no individual zip codes are highlighted before you click OK.
If the notice has a printer selected in Document Maintenance, the notices will be sent to the printer. If the printer cannot be found, or a printer is not selected in Document Maintenance, the Windows Print dialog allows you to select a printer. Notices print after your printer selection.
Mail-merge documents can be optioned to produce address labels at the same time the notices are printed. The mailing labels appear as a Crystal Reports label run, which you must print from the Crystal Reports toolbar.
If there is a problem, click Cancel in response to the message Is it OK to update the database with printed records?. Do not click Update. Then fix the problem and repeat this procedure from the beginning.
When you are certain every notice printed correctly, click Update in response to the message Is it OK to update the database with printed records? It's important that you do an update after printing notices. Clicking Update adds a communication entry to voter records and removes the printed notices from the Notices Queue.
You should not normally click Update until you are sure all notices printed successfully. If you have only a partially successful output, and you do not want to reprint all the notices, click Update and then reprint only the notices that did not print properly.